Our Little Circle

Journals and histories

Verna Cook’s Diary 1924 – 1927


Verna was just turning 18, and living in Idaho Falls.


June 29
My birthday for year 1924. Carl gave me a ruby ring and a watch band but they came before. Everyone at home forgot about it. Edna went to show with her mother.

June 30
Went up to Carma’s and had orange ade. Worked and talked.

July 1
Went up to Carma’s. Had lunch. Olga was there and we had a real time. Edna [&] I were going to Lorenzo with Carl – – & got sluffed. Boy no good.

July 4
The Boss let me off for the fourth of July. I am still wondering how it ever happened. That morning about 9 o’clock we [“I” is inserted above] went to Milo with Clarence N. We waited for two hours for something to happen out there and nothing did so when Gilda & Frank came I went to Ririe with them. In Ririe we met 3 girls and went to Hisie with them. Sure had one time bathing. When we landed back in Ririe we had one time finding Frank & he as our only way for getting back to town. ha ha out of luck but we soon found our shoffer [chauffeur] and all troubles were ended.

The three of us went in that wonderful cafe they have in Ririe & tried to fill on beef steak. After I had eaten I met Glen Barker. We went in and danced a little then went after this folks. When we came back Zelda & Frank had gone back to town and left me. Nevertheless I had one real time to the dance. I met a fellow from Swan Valley and two buildings caught on fire and he and I took it all in until Glen found us. Then we got in Glen’s Ford & went back to the dance & danced until two oclock. Coming home we did not have lights and we had to feel the road all the way home. We met Ford [Farel?] & his gang and followed them part of the way and the other part we drove along in darkness. I arrived home at four oclock dead to the world.

July 5
Olga and I had a big time on the merry go round.

July 9
Went to Florence Jenkins party. Florence went off and left party to rest of us & Maggy Lords & I went down & found Lafe & Rex brought them back to party. Had a nice time and an especially nice lunch.

July 10
Went to dance met kids from Ririe. Leo Hall & friends

July 18
Had a date with Harry Moore & his friend. We went to Butler Island got the Peterson girl then went to Grand to dance. We had a very good time. Clarence did not dance with Hazel. He gave her the devil for not keeping with party.

July 19
Went home [home is crossed out] to the dance. I met kid that Olga had a date with & went car riding then went to dance & came home with Dewaine H [?]

July 20
The good looking fellow that wore the striped overalls came in for dinner. He gave me the devil for letting Rose wait on him. Charley had already told me he was no good so I hit him in the chest & told him to beat it.

July 21, Sun.
Olga & Carma & I were together. Carma & I had a little row so she went to show & Olga & I chased around until I had to go back to work.

July 25
Zelda, Emma & I went down to park & had lots of fun taking pictures.

July 26
Went to dance & came home with Blindon [?]. He took my silver ring and before I got it back he cut it in two.

July 27, Sun.
Fellow I met at Ririe & one I met at auditorium came in & wanted me to go boat riding. I did not go. Olga & I went to park and a couple of fellows came along and wanted us to go to Rexburg we gave them the walking papers too.

As a summing up I had some very good times in the cafe all last summer. Had a very good time with Shiek [?] & his friends. One Sunday the whole gang wanted me to go car riding with them but I did not go. It was too risky.

I also met John & Kenneth & Fat [?] & Funny [?]. They used to come in every meal & they sure were full of pep unless they had lost in throwing dice. Then you would think they had lost the world or their good name. One time I remember particularly is the time Fat [?] pulled the chair out from under Funny [?] and we had quite a collision for a while.

Another time I remember was when John cut my hand with his pocket knife while trying to hold my hand. He never tried it again. Then one time I had a good time with Kenneth while he was trying to help me put the table cloth on. When Pocatello was playing baseball with I F [Idaho Falls] a gang of the fellows from Pocotello came in. They were very lively and they let out their enthusiasm on the cracker bowl & crackers which they flung all over the house. They came in two or three times after that. They gave me their address in Pocatello. I also met Nick from the Shoe Shine. He used to come in every meal & he kept me from getting lonesome lots of times. We had one real spat but we finally patched it up and I enjoyed dancing with him several times before he went away.

Avis Smith blew [?] in the cafe one day and she surely kept things going while she was there. Kenneth who is to me Wandering K came in on one of his stays in I F and took me to a show. I met him while working there. Kid that was with Carl M. introduced him to me.

Oct 6
He showed up again. I had a good talk with him. Avis fell for him and she sure headed [?] him along. He wanted me to go to the show but I did not go. Florence & I went to the dance instead.

This was election day Nov. Halloween Eve Florence & I went out to Milo with Clarence. I had a very good time. We were dressed in costumes and danced with Duet [?] Jess & lots of the other boys.

Halloween we went to the auditorium I wore my clown suite. Had a good time until I had an accident and had to sluff my dance. No I didn’t break my neck.

[The following entry was crossed out and very difficult to decipher:]

(Carl Barnett)
I met him when I was sweet sixteen with the never been kissed part off of it
I liked him when I first met him but soon hated. He thought he was so smart.
I would get so I hated him one day and liked him the next.

[“All Bunk” is written multiple times over the original writing in a different ink – in an attempt to scribble it out]


[The top of the next page is difficult to understand, but looks to be divided into two columns]

[On the left]   [on the right]
First Boys       Oris Wright
Boys Last        Duet Cole
Boys all the     Jess Brown
time. But        Arthur Storer
they sure are    Fay Sessions
the Bunk.        Mark Sessions

[The next part of the page is split into 3 columns]

(Slang phrases)
   (Grandma)	        (Mother)               (Daughter)
1. Charmer               Vamp                   Red Hot Mama
2. Hot air               Spoofing               Apple sauce
3. Wallflower            Dead one               Flat tire
4. Heartbreaker          Lady killer            Shiek
5. The Laugh             Merry ha ha            Raspberry
6. Dude                  Sport                  Cake eater
7. Four flushes          Sponge                 Lounge lizard
8. Sparking              Spooning               Petting
9. Cutie                 Chicken                Flapper
10. Good for you         Bully                  Atta boy
11. Quit your kidding    Lay off                Be yourself
12. Up stage             Putting on the dog     Ritzy
13. Ah there             O you kid              Hot dog
14. The goods            The cheese             Cats meow
15. Guy                  Poor Simp[?]           Poor fish
[16.] Beat it            Keddoo[?]              Ankle along
[17.] Poor sport         Tight wad              Cheap skate

Slang phrases
1. Law Law Lawee
2. Oh boy (Bull Sit) [last two words written very hastily in a different ink and possibly different hand]

Diary Year 1925

[in red ink, apparently after the fact:]

President Grant’s motto
That which we persist in doing is easily done. Not that the nature of the thing has changed, but our power to do has increased

Verna Cook
Idaho Falls
Age, 18, Idaho
766 I Street
Student of the Idaho Falls High School
Third Year

January 1925
New Years Eve Dec 31
Lin Misken & another fellow came in town and took 8 of us girls out to Coleman. Pallene M. Lewiza. Ruth & Edna W. Florence – I. Oroila A. Ellen Peterson [need to check the spellings of names]

We almost raised the dead going out. The snow was pretty deep so we could not shine [?]. Well we finally reached our destination with two more added to our crowd. Arthur Frame & Clara Muskin. At first I judged we were not going to have a good time at the dance. They had been holding a carnival and they had all their wares scattered all around the hall. Although we did not have all the room we wanted I soon began having a good time. We met lots of boys and they were very nice & sociable. Especially Bill & Clyde Hall. We danced for a while then someone would sing. Lin treated me to soda water & after that we danced like we had never danced before. I promised Bill a dance & forgot it & give it to Clyde. We almost had a fight but I finally settled it by offering C. the next one. Drunken Charlie sang Tramp Tramp Tramp then Clyde treated me to a hot dog & cocoa.

They had a prize waltz & Lin & I sure did do our stuff but we did not win the prize. The kids ask what our prize was & I said I didn’t dare show them because it wasn’t dressed ha ha. We danced on until two oclock then it ended with Bill & I seated on a box playing with rabbits. I will have to state the Coleman girls were not altogether pleased about us coming out and taking their men away from them. They were so mad they ate 300 hot dogs and 99 glasses of soda water.

Nothing very unusual happened on our way home only Pollene got pullout of the sleigh by someone in another sleigh.

Mrs. Misken who is the jolliest kind of a person put up for the whole gang of us over night. The next question was how are we going to sleep. They had two extra small cots & we piled four in a bed. It was almost four thirty before we got to sleep. We woke at nine & pulled each other out of bed. Edna & I made the beds and the rest helped with the salad. About 12:30 (New Years 1, 1925) we all piled in the sleigh for the Coleman church house. They were having a big dinner and half of we girls forgot our 25 cents. My troubles ended when Bill came up and handed me a plate & insisted on paying for my dinner. We had to get our dinner cafeteria style and we were all lined up. Before we got around we almost got trampled to pieces then we had to sit on the floor and eat our dinner which was all we could hold. They had a very exciting time during the day, especially in the kiddy cart races. The girls from the Falls were the biggest kids on them. Aveta’s bloomers we[re] pretty the whole way to her waist for when she rode the cart we saw every bit of them. Then came the fight between Mutt & Jeff. Mutt won but they both hit more air than anything else.

When the fight was over we all went back to Miskens. The Birch boys called up & wanted us to come to a party they all accepted but Florence & I & Lin brought us back to town. We get there about 9 oclock we set & ate candy & nuts for a wile. Then went up to the dance at the Eagle Hall. Had a pretty fair time. Came home about 12:30. Set out in the sleigh & laughed at nothing. Lin & I matched pennies with buttons. That was the way we ended a perfect day and started a new year. But all in all we had a very good time.

2, 3, (1925) [January]
I worked at the seed factory

Jan 4 (1925)
Went to church 3 times & heard many good things. I started 6 resolutions:
1. I am going to quit going with boys
2. I am going to church oftener
3. I am goin to make home life pleasanter
4. Etc.

Jan 5 (1925)
Started back to school with some what of a dread but think I will get over it.,

Jan 6&7
Just making up work in school. No easy job. Have tickets for show ten commandments.

Jan 9, Saturday
Zelda and I was invited out to Ucon with gan from factory. 3 fellows from Ucon came & met us. There were 8 of us all together & we had one good time sleigh riding out there. I thought the end would never come. We picked up fiddle de de on the road. He was supposed to furnish the music when we arrived. We were the only girls there but the crowd soon came & we danced by the ocordian [accordion]. I learned a lot of old dances the square dance and etc. We had a very nice lunch which ended with Hatty sitting on the floor. When the ocordian stopped I was asked to play so I did my best by them for a while until the grand orchestra came back then we danced until four.

We had a very good time coming back to town. I tried to sleep and couldn’t. We were crammed like sardines in a can. We got home at six, 30. Dad was just leaving for work. I guess people thought we had been to early mass.

I did not get up in time to go to Sunday School. A poor start. Went to priesthood meeting. Met Bessie. She stayed all night with me and we had the best talk I have had with her for a century. We talked of old times & our old men. Talking of married life was also touched upon.

Mon 12
Met the train but for some unknown reason Bess did not show up.

Wed 13 [the dates don’t seem correct. This is probably Tuesday]
Florence & I went up to Crisses Shoe Shine and gave him his lesson, then we went to dance land and danced with the rest of the old mades [maids]. I suppose boys were allowed but you wouldn’t have known it for a crowd of we girls danced together for a long time before any boys showed up. The music was very good. I went up in a gingham apron and I sure had a hard time keeping my coat closed. We went home when we found a hole as big as a bulls eye in F. [Florence] stocking.

Jan 15
Day of exams took commercial english from Mrs. Layle. Faired pretty good. I suppose this will be the best exam I will talke under Mrs Layle. I sure hate to quit her class for she surely is a good sport. I just got through with shorthand. It was pretty easy for once. Oh I guess I will live through it.

Jan 16
All exams over.

Jan 17
Tried to get work but did not succeed. Mother, Aunt Mary & I had a squeezing good time down at Woolworths trying to get some 15 cent bowls. After getting knocked three ways at once we all succeeded in purchasing 2 bowles a piece. In the evening Florence & I went to the show Flaming Youth. From the show we went up to the Eagle Hall and made big fools of our selves. The show made us feel good. We went from the Eagles to the Oden [?] and talk about a rough crowd. They sure had it there. I nearly got killed. Every one of the kids was full of the devil. I sure was tired when I finally got into bed.

Jan 18
Went to church three times. Heard Mr. Mac Ka [McKay?] and Marten speak at night. Bill from Coltman came in & set by us in church. He took my letter & had to call him bad names to get it back. Then it was torn. I am off of switch grabs for good.

Jan 19
We made out semester cards. We did not have any full classes. At night I went down to Crisses with Florence & Darwin & I had a big Rassel [?] I made him a cross word puzzle. Then we took Crisses one horse saxiphone & danced by it.

21 Wed, 22 Thursday

[Jan] 28
Nothing unusual has happened in this lapse of time. Only I have not received a letter yet. I suppose we are waiting for each other to ans[wer]. I worked at the seed house in the afternoon and we sure had lots of fun. I set by the windows & three box car loafers entertained us until the train came in. They had evidently been dressed up once for they knew how to dance.

Jan 29
Is a bum day. Everything going wrong. I stayed with the Fitz kids last night. I got them supper then I got shorthand. We had dates covered with chocolates. It wasn’t so bad though. Mrs. Fitz surprised me by giving me two [?] $2.80 for staying with them. Nevertheless I am a little bit sleepy now.

[Jan] 30 to Feb 19
Well lot of things have happened but I am just going to state a few of them.
About the 1 of Feb Mother was taken to the hospital & operated on for hernia & appendicitis. I had to quit school. Scout master promised me a job in his office but he did know know when he would need me so I went to work at the falls from 8pm until 11:30. I am getting so I like it pretty well. I only make a mistake now and then. Such as leaving the malt out of chocolate malt and charging 10 cents for 5 cent p. candy bars. I looked patiently for a letter today but did not get it. I guess my man has landed him another chicken since he has been in San Francisco

Feb 20 – – –

Feb 21
Worked at Falls every thing went smooth in the day time rained most all day. I got two dollars from Criss & paid down on a dress with roses in it. After the dance we sure had a crowd every seat was just packed & Alice & I sure were busy. 6 fellows were drunk & they put about 3 dollars worth of nickles in the piano. Ordered two lunches. Emptied three tentes. [?]

I was invited to have a drink with them. But oh well you know me. I’m not that kind of a girl. Ha.

Sunday 22
Washingtons Birthday Dog races tomorrow. I wake up pretty tired. Took a cold plunge & went to work.

It is now March 6.
Nothing has happened in this lapse of time. I have just been going to work & plodding home at 11:30pm. Night before last I had quite a little fun with Mutt & Jeff the candy sellers. I had a nice talk with the man that always orders donuts & coffee. When I got through work I went up to the Eagle Hall & met Glen Baker. I talked with him for a while then we danced once & I beat it home.

Note: Carl, I wish you were not so far away. I am lonesome. Why don’t you write to me once in a while. This is going on the 4 [shorthand here which will need to be deciphered]

Saturday Mar 7
Went to work as usual. Came home at 3. pm. Found my man had decided to write to me. He is now in SL [Salt Lake?] again. When I went back in work who should I meet but Side burn John and he had a keen friend with him. I kidded with them about the drinks being two for a nickle. Got a bawling out for not getting back to work on time.

Sunday 8
Just plain old Sunday. Went to church. Went down town to mail the letters I had written. I found out today that my dough nut man knows Charles & is working in Joys.

Tuesday Mar 10
Well I worked in the Falls everything is so dead that business is going under. I am just wondering if things will be just the same next year this time. I sure felt lonesome coming home at 11:30 from work alone.

Wed 11, March
I feel quite a but better this morning. I don’t feel quite so blue.

Night 12:00[?] just ret[urned] home from work & Vocabulary John accompanied me home. That is he walked all but two blocks with me. At that he was a little better than walking alone ha. I guess I will go to bed now as I have got to climb out & go work for Opal in the morning.

Thursday 12, March
Did big washing and am pretty tired. Rec[eived] letter from my man. Went to work. Business pretty dead. I stayed until 12:15. Coming home a man in coupe stopped & politely asked me to ride home [“me if I had been to dance” is inserted here]. I politely told him to go on & mind his own business & luckily for me he did.

Thursday 19
Worked at Opals in the day time & at night worked at the Falls. Glen Molen came in & I fooled with him a little while. Then he ask me to go home with him. I ask him if he was afraid to go home alone. I told him if he was I would take him home. But while he was buying a rabbit I ran off and left him. Maybe I am afraid of his women.

Fri. 20
Worked as hard as nigger all morning at Opals then came home for my letter & took a bath.

Sat 21
Well Diary I am getting so tired of every thing. I am wondering if things will change for me before this time next year. I hope so. I am getting tired of working in the Falls & getting bawled out by Nick. Last night the drunk fellows came in as usual and we had to put up with them. They had two bills & one of them busted a glass and kicked it half way across the room. Nick called the police but they did not get there until after the fellows had gone. They cheated Nick out of 25 cents & he landed on Alice and I & we sure told him what we thought. We all but quit. I suppose it will all come out all right if we wait long enough. I have spoken to the Woolworth manager and, Diary, if I get a job I will tell you of it later.

Sun. Mar 22
Tue 23 [date is wrong]
Well Diary, the wind is blowing 50 per & I sure am lonesome for my old man. I wonder what he is doing & what I will be doing this time next year. Probably we will be together. I hope so.

Fri 26
Dear Diary every thing went all right at work tonight. We talked about John the Astronaut & Nick ask the fellow from Joys if he didn’t think he ought to wait & take me home as it was raining. He had already ask me but I am either[?] too particular about being true to my man. Even though I am so true sometimes I get lonesome. When I started for home I met J T[?] Meller & Bert M in Mellers little red bug. I guess they could see I wanted a little excitement so they stopped & I got in with them but I can’t tell you where we were all[?] three squoze in about a foot of seat space. We rode all over town & then some. Out on Boulevard a fellow threw a cigarette in the car & we thought we were going to have a blow up. I finally arrived home safe. I sure will be glad when I am go to the dances once in a while again. I am after another job & you watch me get it. I promised to tell you about it & I will keep my word. I saw a real keen sweater. I think I will have to [sentence doesn’t get finished].

I think I will hear from my man tomorrow if he feels better. I will tell you about it.

Sat 27 – – [nothing written for Saturday]

I didn’t get a letter until Monday & it sure gave me the blues. I went to the dance Sat. night. Met Olga at the Oden & we went over to the Eagles Hall & Mr. Shepherd butted in & ask for a dance. I sure got a kick out of dancing with him.

skip skip

April 1
Didn’t get fooled once. Went up & saw Dr. West. He wants me to take the job for Scout Master. Pretty rough work & pretty hard, but Old Diary you watch Verna study & show them how if I get a chance I will promise you. I won’t fail. If I do I am not good. I am going up Monday.

April 2
Made my suit.

April 3
Diary I have been kind of shaky all day. In about an hour I learn my fate. But I think I will get it. I will tell you later. Just got a letter from my man. It wasn’t so bad.
2 hours later I am back from seeing Mr. Alwood[?]. No easy job. I don’t know whether I will get it or not. Things look rather black. But I still have hope. I am going up Wed. Will tell you more then.

Came home with Max from Joy Drug. He fixed me up a swell drink of grape juice & (+ +) [not sure what the characters mean. Possibly alcohol?]. I only drank a little bit & he sure got sore. I walked back as far as Pratts with him & Mother yelled & scared him so bad I thought he was going to jump over Pratt’s house. He found his way back to town. He sure is lots of fun.

Wed 8
Well Wed. is here & I have been up to see Mr. Alvoid[?]. Dear Old Diary this is a funny world or I am certainly no good. I didn’t get my job. I suppose I will still be slinging sodas in the Falls Saturday when I should be pounding on a [?]. I sure am no good. I hope my luck changes pretty soon. I was going to have dinner at the Grand with Della From the Cutter Hotel & I got sluffed. Maybe things will be better after while at least I hope so.

Thursday – –

Friday – –

Well here I am again. Devere has been pretty sick today. I went to work as usual tonight

[page is torn out]

Max walked home with me. I shouldn’t let him but I sure get lonesome with Carl so far away all the time. We took the road down by the River & it sure was pretty. Max went to smoke & I threw all his cigarettes in the river. He said he would get even with me & before I knew what he was doing he had grabbed me & [looks like shorthand, maybe for “kissed”] me. I guess it was all my fault. I shouldn’t have let him come with me. I don’t think I will any more. I forgave him & we are even until next time.

Saturday 11
Well Old Diary here is Saturday & I haven’t found me another job yet. Worked like a negro all day. Sold lots of Easter candy. Alice & I sure were hard boiled before we got through.

April 12 Easter
I fell better after going to bed and getting a little sleep. I went to Sunday School and enjoyed it very much. Went from there to work. Worked until four.

Ellie Ulrich met me & we went down by the river taking pictures. Took one of me alone, of her alone. Had two boys take one together of us. Went in Joys after the films[?]. Had a good laugh with Chick & Max. Met Paul & another fellow in a Ford & we went car riding. Went to Shelly & got us a drink. Paid 40 cents for four. That man is sure after the money. Saw two or three keen fellows down there. One pushed us out of the gutter – the Ford I mean. I met him before in US Cafe. We came home or back to Ellies & then went to the musical program at the church. It was very good.

Easter wasn’t so bad as I thought it might be. I wonder if I will be with my man next Easter. I hope so.

Wednesday 15
Last night Max walked home with me again. We had a nice walk then we sat down on a rock and ate chocolates & listened to the river roar. I have found boys can be good sports if you only give them a half a chance. I think the girls could do a lot toward helping them to do better if they would. Max is going to Blackfoot Saturday so I may not see him again. But I sure have enjoyed the talks I have had with him. Went to the show The Air Mail today. Finished up by going to a lecture.

While I am thinking I am going to put a few places & times I want to hold dear to my memory. (Do I remember)

Do I Remember

1. When I got into Mother’s cream & dropped the spoon in the pan. (about 4 years)
2. When Lealand & I used to take the cans[?] to the field horseback (age 6)
3. The times we used to have skating on the old creek by the Leorn[?] School. When we made play houses in the willows (age 8)
4. The old swimming hole in the sl[?] where we used to go swimming every day. When the black birds used to make us think someone was throwing rocks in the water
5. Age 12. The first time I ever let a boy bring me home [?] Wright
6. When I graduated. Age 14 with a class of five. Teacher Mr. Mell Palmer.
7. The hike to Heisi hot springs with our Bee Hive class. Phoebe Sessions as Bee Teacher.
8. The year I entered High School (age 15). The R.N.C. [Ricks Normal College in Rexburg] botched with mama & J Rubens at Manwarings.
9. Starving [?] all night with Irene & Lleola shen we pulled quilts & broke the brown handle.
10. The good times we had at Hibbard to the dances
11. The night Irene & I came home with Arthur Taylor. When Vern danced the girl around the tree into a house. Ha.
12. The time Ruten[?] & I took the strawberries & ran all over Rex[burg?]. with them to keep Naoma N[?] & Ruth from getting them.
13. The good times we had in our Jim [gym?] suits sliding down poles.
14. When Rulen Moler bought me the chocolates & Ruten [?] & Naoma ate them. Ha.
15. The time when I brought Naoma home for Thanksgiving dinner and the surprise Mother had for me.
16. When Frank Mizkin & I came down home in the Ford.
17. When we went on our weenie roast & Glen Hart brought me home.
18. How I fell for Olvid[?] Glover[?]. The good times I had at the dances.
19. When I made the little speech on Loyalty.
20. Coming home with our furniture in the lumber wagon & how I hated to leave old R.N.C. because I never got to go back to school.
21. How I hated to miss school when I was 16 years old
22. What a big time I had with the fellows when dad run the Milo
23. The time Frank & Cliff & Mark Miller & I went to Ririe
24. When two new men arrived on the Milo. How bad Mark felt because he said I would fall for the younger one. I told him not to worry.
25. How I met Mark’s arrival coming from the water trough. I looked at him & he looked at me.
26. How far I was from knowing what that first glance meant.
27. How I used to bribe the fellows to gather eggs for me & especially this one.
28. How I used to lay on the beds in the bunk houses & dream.
29. How cool my shiek treated me.
30. The first chat I had with him.
31. The first time he helped me skim milk
32. When he invited me to have some of his water mellon.
33. How we suspicioned him of being a scoundrel & I didn’t dare sleep for fear he might murder me. Ha. Ha.
34. And little did I know what he would come to mean to me.
35. The first night I went with him (to church)
36. The night we went to the Mother Goose party how we sulked & walked on different sides of the street.
37. When I started working nights at the seed factory.
38. The night Carl left for Salt Lake.
39. When I went to work for Mrs. McCatchen[?]
40. When I left & went to Rexburg
41. When Bess & I came home from B Ball game with Charles & Oris[?]. How we ate cake & put one over on the boys ehwn we put the cupboard against the bedroom door & racked out the fruit bottles. Ha.
42. When I worked for Mrs. Bradley & Mrs. Streekert[?]
43. The good time Zelda & I had with Armond & Guss when we were staying to Ramsings [?]
44. When I started to work for Mrs. Fitzpatrick.
45. How I felt when I didn’t hear from my man.
46. When I stayed with the Fitz kids while their mother went to Calif[ornia]
47. The good times I had with Jack & Besh & Less when I went to the Milo. When I went to the dance.
48. The good old horse back rides I had with Don C. & car coming.
49. The time Armond & Salvation Army Bill & a gang of girls went to Ririe to a dance.
50. How I tried to turn the wagon box upside down to get my letter after a long period of neglect.
51. My High School days at the I.F.H.S. 1924 [Idaho Falls High School]
52. How in the 1925 Vera Criddle & I got locked in the English room
53. The time Vera & I dressed up like two news boys for the High School parade. When we had the school rally.
54. How I felt when I had to quit school when mother went to the hospital
55. The time my man came up when I had my tonsils taken out.
56. My trip to SL [Salt Lake] hwen I met Carl’s folks & saw Ennis[?] married.
57. The sights we saw coming from Salt air [Saltair]
58. My trip to Rupert when Aunt Violet lived there
59. When Carl & I came back from SL.
60. Mark’s trip up to see me. When he met myrt[?]
61. Coming home nights from the Falls Confectionary.
62. The three nights Mac from Joy Drug Store walked home with me. First two nights grape juice. Last night box of chocolates.

Romantic Spots [words crossed out but easily readable]

1. In the Ford coupe in front of [? possibly shorthand character]
2. In the truck out in the garage where the kids wouldn’t leave us alone.
3. Under the lilac bushes on rocks.
4. In the kitchen (home)
5. On our front lawn.
6. In the attic room.
7. Down on the River bridge.
8. On the Rocks across the river.
9. The path running along the creek on this side of the river.
10. Sitting on the bank of the creek.
11. Two Rocks along by the river.
12. Fitz’s back yard.
13. Around under the sleeping porch at Fitz’s
14. Fitz’s front porch
15. The Davenport
16. On the church house lawn
17. In Ramsings parlor
18. By ” furnace
19. On ” basement steps
20. By our picket fence
21. In Ned’s car with Red on Xmas night
22. In Jarries[?] red car after going to Lincoln to dance & going through sugar factory
23. On the platform of the last car coming from Salt Air on Sat. night.
24. Down by the watering troug on the Milo.
25. In the fanning shed on the Milo.
26. Up on the platform of the old windmill.
27. In the pump house
28. In the train chair coming from SL at night.
29. Walking in the temple grounds
30. In Lin’s sleigh in front of the gate when we got a laughing streak.
31. Over the counter by the cash register in the WS Cafe & all the things that happened while I was at the cafe. I sure had one round of fun.

April 15 Wed (continued)
Just came home alone. Had quite a crowd. Wrote rememberances in book.

Thursday 16
Put a dollar in the bank & started a savings account. Received a very neat looking bank book from Idaho Falls National.

Sat. 18
Worked in Falls pretty hard. They let me off 4 hours. I went up to the Odean. Danced quite a bit. Girls & boys from Pocatello were there. They sure did dance.

Went to Rigby with Ellie & Leora & their gang. We had a pretty good time after we got the flat tire fixed.

Tues. 21
Harry & Zelda & I went to Firth. Started to Blackfoot & got caught in a rain so we came back to Falls.

Well Diary my man is sure getting neglectful. I didn’t get a letter from him today. Tonight at work Lucy & Ann came in & talked with me for quite a while. They were having a flower dance in town. And such a night. It sure was entertaining. As I walked home I could imagine I was in Fairy Land. The snow was blowing & drifting & the lights were swinging light clear out across the snow. It sure was pretty. But I felt quite nervous walking home.

Sun April 26
I worked until four oclock. Came home the day was so beautiful. My sis’s & I went for a walk down to the river. We were not alone because others had the same idea as we did.

Florence & I went to church. We had a very nice lesson on miracles & Mrs. Steel talked about the geneology work. I sure would like to go down & do temple work. I have also decided to keep a record of myself & the things I do in the church. I will have to do more or it won’t look very good written down. After church we went up to Eulrich’s & got my pictures we took Sunday. They are not so bad. Now, I want to add a good thought. The defin[inition] of honor that that one has left when he is certain no one is looking. Taken from while Ann Smith & I went to see it Saturday. I saw the show Abraham Lincoln Friday that was very good. But it showed Lincoln no greater than I already had him pictured in mind. Let’s all try to be as honest as Abe.

April 30 Thursday [1925]
Well Old Diary I have been reading a story about 3 sisters. The put me in mind of my two sis’s & myself. I am wondering if it is an advantage or a disadvantage to be born between when there are three of you. In other words have one sister older & one younger that is just the way I am placed. So I hope it is lucky to be the middle sized one in three girls in one family. I am thinking of getting me a guitar so I guess I have a hunch for music. I am not so bad at sewing and I used to be up with my class in History so I guess I am good for something even though I was born second instead of first or last & I was born with a real lot of spunk & I don’t forget to sputter once in a while. I have to tell them how it goes. Oh well, I am goring to try & control my temper old Diary so people will like me better. I have started taking yeast cakes for my health so they might help my temper too. I hope so. (note) good thought. Don’t treat your job like a step sister. No matter how low it may be.

May 2 Sat.
Went to work as usual. Everything went all right until Ted & the other two bosses got in a scrap and Ted quit work and we never saw anything of him until about 8 oclock at night. I sure was tired & when he asked me if I wanted to work clear shift I said no. So I went to the dance & came back at eleven oclock. I danced at the Eagle Hall. Had a pretty good time.

Sunday 3
Went to Sunday School and felt a lot better when I went to work. I never got off until 6 oclock. Tonight was the last night for Mutual class work and Mrs. Miller told us a lot of things that were for our welfare. I hope I will remember them.
(note) a good thought
Always blot out a bad thought before you put it into action.

Monday 4 (May)
I was reading an article on marriage. Oh[?] if I could live my life over again. I would marry in preference to taking a career.
note good thought
Curved is the line of beauty.
Straight is the line of duty.

Well Old Diary. All in all I have had a pretty good time today. Went to Blackfoot with Harry & Joe. They are both good sports so we had a very good time. Went in & tried hats. Came back to the car & met Oris Wright. Was going up to see Mak & Oris came along & took us up to his mother’s. He is still a pretty good joker. He gave us a green ticket advertising drug store necessities & I forgot to give it back & we had one real time with it on the way home. I thought Joe was going to die laughing. We saw Mack also went to work & got off at twelve. Then I went up to the dance & danced with a few old timers. Went & had supper at the Rainbow Cafe. There was Ella Reeves & I and Long Nose John. he treated us very nice & we had a very good time. P.S. I have found it is always perfect to tell the truth no matter how bad it sounds at the time.

Tuesday 5, 1925
Dear Old Diary I hope my luck changes before tomorrow. I busted one of Nicks best glasses tonight & made a horrible mistake on one of the bills. I guess that comes from helping Mrs. Brough get ready for her wedding.

Wed 6 May
Diary I am going to tell you a secret. Ann & I are thinking of trading jobs & if we do it will be so much better. Then I can dance once in a while. I will tell you what we decide

Friday 8
Here goes for the secret. I have succeeded in changing jobs with Ann. I hope she likes it & I hope I don’t get layed off first thing. Pocatallo come and paid us a visit. Talk about a noisy bunch. They sure were. We had to close the piano before they would beat it. I suppose that will be my last night in the Falls alone so it ended pretty well.

Sun 9
Diary I don’t know what this world is made of. I didn’t get my job after all so I guess I am out of a job. Last night Alice & I came home with fellows from Ammon[?]. We had to ditch about nine hundred fellows and it sure was a job.

May 27. 1925
Well old Diary quite a lot of time has elapsed since I wrote to you last. I am quitting my job at the Falls Candy Sunday night. I am going to Mrs. Fitz’s. I hope I like it. I got a real letter from my man & he wants to send me a ticket for the fourth & let me come down there if he can’t come up. I wish you could tell me whether I am going or not.

Do you remember on the date when Max came in & took you car riding. The ride started out wonderful but it ended with both of us grouchy just because I threw a cigarette our for him. I don’t suppose I will ever see him again & I don’t think he will keep his date with me for the dance at Blackfoot. I will see how the fates wills it.

1 June = 2am
Going to Mrs. Fitz’s this morning. I hope I like it.

June 3
I am in my room writing to my man. Just took a bath & feel fine. I like my place fine.

June 18
I am staying with Mable, Edna & Freddie while the folks are in [?]. I am going to Salt Lake for the fourth if everything goes all right. Leslie Newman came home last week. We were sure glad to see him. I went out Sunday night & played the piano for them. Had a pretty good time at the dance Sat. Night. Met Ralph Rolley & came home with him. I have a [shorthand characters] Lorenzo Sat. if Fitzes get back.

June Saturday 20 [1925]
Did not go to Lorenzo. Got sluffed & it sure made May & I sore. The men sure can’t be depended on anymore.

Sun 21
Went to Sunday School. Went home & helped Zelda make ice cream & cake. Also went riding in Frank’s new car. After church tonight May, Neoma, Florence & I sat down in the park for a little while to rest & Henry & the Beauticofer kid came along & entertained us.

June 23 Blue night
Well old Diary I sure made a mess of things tonight. I am ashamed of the way I have been treating my mother. I am going to try to improve & after this when I can keep her from worrying I am going to do it. I am also going to help Florence to do better. I know there is no happiness to be found unless you are doing some good toward others. The fellows did not come & take us to Lorenzo so I guess we are better off.

June 27
Diary in two more days I will be 19 years. This is Saturday night. I wonder what I will be doing this time next Saturday. I hope I will be in Salt Lake. I will write in you & let you know.

June 28
Do I remember the time I got locked out at Fitzes. Left my key on the dresser when I got Frank’s knife….never again.

June 29
Well old Diary I am 19 years old today. Went out home tonight & mother had ice cream & cake. Then we went to the show. They had the Country Store[?] but we were not lucky. I hope I can to go Salt Lake. Probably I will know tomorrow.

June 30
Diary I dind’t get a letter today. I have a chance to celebrate with Less. Which will it be Less or Carl? I hope Carl & I think I will hear from him probably tomorrow or next day. I will tell you later.

July 1
Diary I got my letter this morning. This sure is a funny world. I had help in getting that letter and I have made a promise to the person that helped me. And I am going to keep that promise even though it may be hard to do. If I ever forget Diary, please remind me of it. This promise was also a New Years resolution, but I am sorry to say I did not keep it. I will tell you more later.

July 16
Last night Mrs. Fitz gave me a lot of good advice about getting married. I hope I profit by it.

I am back to work & all settled again after my trip to Salt. Last night Olga came down & we went to the Rex to Country Store. I borrowed 50 cents from Bert Seadel. We almost got caught in a storm. I sure was mad when I got home & there wasn’t any cream left for me. I got a nice letter from Mark Young. He is on a mission & he certainly has a wonderful testimony of the Gospel. I am glad he has.

July 21
Got a letter from Carl & I wrote to him tonight.& got our Wedding Date, Nov. 4th. Old Diary I wonder if we will be married. Then I supposed I will have to wait & see. Olga & Zelda & Florence & I went to Country Store tonight. We sure had a lot of fun.

July 24
Well Old Diary I finally did it. What why[?] Went out to River Side Gardens a talk[?] about fun we sure had. It’s some place. I met a lot of kids I haven’t seen for some time. Vern from Rexburg for one. During the day we didn’t do much. We just went out to the park. Met Frank after we came back & he took five of us out to Gardens. Effie Harris came back with us.

I think we are going tonight. I’ll tell you what kind of time we have. Ha.

July 25
Well we went out to the Gardens. We had a very nice ride. At first I thought I wasn’t going to know anyone but I met the kid that called me Florence. He treated me to ice cream then I danced with his friend with the bandanna around his waist. Effie gave Frank the slip.

Saturday [?]
Olga & I went to dance. Not much there. Came home before it was out. We were sitting on the lawn by an empty house. 3 fellows came along in a Ford & stopped & fooled with us for a little while. We made them think we lived in the house so we could get rid of them.

I went to afternoon church. Came back & got dinner then Olga & Frank & I went out home & got green apples. We sure had a time. Came back to town & went to show. Expected Million Air Monday night but he didn’t show up.

Old Diary you just don’t know how much fun it is filling a hope chest. Mrs. Fitz gave me the set of mixing bowls she got at Wrights. I sure was pleased with them. I went out to River Side with Mary & Olga & their gang. We sure had lots of fun going & coming & I had a pretty good time in the dance hall. Olga made the fellow she was with think she was coming home with me. We woke Mr. & Mrs. Fitz up & I heard about it this morning.

Wed 5
Florence Jenkins & I went over in the pool. I went to dive & landed on my stomach so I didn’t do much swimming.

Thurs 6
Did you say was I learning to roller skate. I’ll say I am. But I have almost ruined myself doing it. But I am learning fast. Ha. Ha.

Saturday 7 Aug
Olga & I went to the show off with Frank & from there home.

Sunday 8
Went to Sunday School over at Second Ward. Came home & got dinner then Olga & I went to church at 1st Ward. We was on our way home & – – – Do you remember the time the Gess’s boy & Grenvel Holden took us car riding in the Ford. Ha. Ha. Some ride I’ll say.

Sunday August 16 [1925]
Just one week from the Sunday mentioned on the previous page. I went to Conference & sang in the choir. Apostle Ballard was the main speaker. It was surely wonderful. I have never heard our coming to earth & the Satan’s plans explained more fully in my life. I am going to do all in my power to keep Satan from getting a hold. I want to remember that every time I yield to temptation I am helping Satan in his evil wares[ways?]. I hope I shall never forget the good instructions I received today. I also am going to try to profit by them. Bingham Stake was changed to Idaho Falls Stake today also.

Sep 22 Tuesday [1925]
Well Old Diary time is sure flying. I’ll be married before I know. I almost have my lunch set done. You remember the one with the tea cups on. Had a big time at the dance Saturday night night. Went to the Show with Crmer[?] from Coltman. Came out and had ice cream then went to dance. Saw John & Kenneth and I sure had a good time. Cromo[?] didn’t stick around so I came home with Jim. He is sure lots of sport. Made a date with him to go to church. We went to the show & to the Grand & had supper. When we came out it was raining dogs. We sure got wet. I had a lot of fun with Jim & he sure is a good sport. I have got to quit going & keep a few of my promises. I am going to show that I have stamina enough to keep my word. I am going to have a big round with myself some day.

Do you remember Monday night when went to Ramsings. Didn’t we have one time with Mrs. Ram. relations how[?] Jimmie[?] Parker & Florence almost got knocked out. I walked home with Jimmie & we stood & talked over the party. No more parties like that for me. Ha. Ha. East is East & West is West. Never the twain shall meet.

Above all things, if your clothing catches fire, remain cool. Feature it.


Watching the tongue

Keep a watch on your tongue my children, for words are wonderful things;
They are sweet like the bees’ fresh honey; like bees they have terrible stings.
They can bless like the warm glad sunshine, and brighten the lonely life;
They can cut in the strife of anger, like an open two-edged knife.

Let them pass through your life unchallenged, if their errand be true & kind;
If they come to support the weary, to comfort & help the blind.
If a bitter revengeful spirit, prompts the words, let them be unsaid;
They may flash through the brain like lightning, or fall on the heart like lead.

Keep them back if they’re cold and cruel;
Under bar, & lock & seal;
The wounds they make my children,
Are always slow to heal.

May Christ guard your lips & ever,
From the time of your early youth;
May the words that you daily utter,
Be the words of beautiful truth.

Little Things

Oh it’s just the little homely things;
the unobtrusive friendly things;
the “won’t you let me help you” things,
that make our pathway light.

& it’s just the jolly joking things;
the “Never mind the trouble” things;
the “Laugh with me it’s funny” things,
that make the world seem bright.

For all the countless famous things;
the wondrous record-breaking things;
those never can be equalled things,
that all the papers cite.

Are not like the little human things;
the every day encountered things;
the “Just because I like you” things,
that make us happy quite.

So here’s to all the little things;
the done and then forgotten things;
those “Oh, it’s simply nothing” things,
that make life worth the fight.

[The following was crossed out:]

(It is now Nov 26, Thanksgiving)
There is certainly a lot of time elapsed since I left Fitzes. A lot of things happened. I am now spending Thanksgiving with Charlie & Marie in Rupert Idaho. I worked in the Manhatten Cafe up until two weeks ago & Tom & I couldn’t

[end of crossed out paragraph. This may have been inserted in the wrong page, and out of sequence. Probably the reason it was crossed out.]

Sunday [not sure what date]
Fitzes went to warm springs & I had the whole day off. Did you say do I remember the ride Florence gave us through Milo? I’ll say I do. We came back & saw Marie, then went to church. After church Ed took us to Blackfoot & we went in the Bon Ton & had Ice Cream. All in all Ed showed us one time.

October 4
Went to afternoon church at 1st Ward & tonight church at second. After church Zelda, Rosella, & I & Florence stood until eleven oclock listening to the traveling missionaries & some of our mormon[?] men discuss the Gospel. We sure got a kick out of it. The returned missionary sure was right when he said to the wayon[?] miss[ionary?], “You ought to sleep well. You lie easy”.

I chose listening to them preach in preference to riding home with Jim. I thought he was off of me for good for turning his dates down.

Monday, Oct. 5 [1925]

Tuesday, 6
I received the best letter from Carl this morning. Any one that couldn’t appreciate a man like that ought to be hung. He sure has been good to me, & I love him love him love him. It won’t be long before we can see each other all we want. Time certainly is going & I’ll be a married woman before I know it. I got my coat Sat.

Oh yes, I forgot to add Kenneth & John are back from Twin [Falls?] & I sure have lots of fun with them. Especially John at the dances. I wouldn’t miss my dance with him for a lot. He sure is lively.

Nov. 26 Thanksgiving
Well old Diary, a lot of things have happened since I wrote last in this book. I will tell you a few of them. I am spending Thanksgiving with Charlie & Marie.

Do you remember:

1. Leaving Mrs. Fitzes ironing & all.
2. Coming to Rupert
3. having to postpone my wedding.
4. When I got my silverware.
5. The talk I had with Dad when I decided to wait & be married in the temple. If I do what is right everything will come out all right for me & I am glad I followed Dad’s advice.
6. Working in the Manhatten Cafe.
7. Tom, Eva, Andy, Mr. Johnson, Ethel Chansler, Hilda Laurence.
8. What a good sport May was to me.
9. When I quit, how May stuck by me & helped me get my job with Mr. Williams.
10. Going ot the dance with Claud.
11. Going to Burly with him. The Saturday night I went with him when to the dance & to the show Harold said
12. We quit going together that night. Never spoke to him until the dance. I went to the Sat. after and quit the Cafe.

Do I remember

1. The day I got Florence’s letter saying Zelda was married. She didn’t even tell me who she married & I don’t know yet.
2. The first Saturday I worked at Mr. Williams. How I liked it.
3. [crossed out] How I wished I could spend [end cross out] The night before Thanksgiving when Mr Hamilton[?] cut my hair. The fun I had calling John & Mr. Holy[?] Rollers.
4. The fist time I spoke to the manager of the Wilson Theater when he mashed my hat.

Do I remember

1. How I felt Thanksgiving Day.

Dec 5
My last day at Mr. Williams. He sure has treated me square. I like him fine & I hope I have a chance to go back some day. After I quit work I met the little girl that wears the blue dress. We paraded around then went to the dance. I made up my mind to have a good time. Claud sure is mad at me. I guess he thought he would make me like him if he high browed me. He can go to thunder. I sure got even with him after I started dancing with him. He never asked me to dance until the third dance from the last. He sure was sore at me for I know what.

All the same old Diary, he showed me a pretty good time so I can’t kick much. Had a chance to home with fellow that took my black beads, but he didn’t like the idea of just taking me across the hall.

Dec. 7 Sunday
Ethel, Grace & her sister & I just got home from show, The Monster. It sure was a terror.

Well old Diary, I am through with Rupert for a while. I have got my fill but I have had some good times here & have met some mighty nice people. I am leaving for home in the morning. I wonder if I will ever come back. If I do, I will let you know.

A Good Thought

In conference today I got many good thoughts one
1. It’s better to give than to receive & the man gave an illustration in a story.
2. Have peace at home.
3. Speak kind words.
4. Shun the divorce

Dec. 8, 1925
Well I am now in Pocatello Station again after my trip to Rupert. I have been gone about a month & 1/2 but I have had a good time & things haven’t been so worse. I know how they could be lots worse.

Mr. & Mrs. Clark came with me as far as Pocatello. She went to SL, him to Portland. I met the man that called me Bubbles & had a real nice talk with him. When I got in Pocatello I met Woody. Had a real talk with him. I thought he was sore at me & I guess he thought the same about me. I wonder if I will ever go back to Rupert. I sure hope so. Some of the kids I sure think a lot of. I suppose I will never see Claud again. Ha Ha. I will see if my train is ready.

Dec. 19, 1925 Sunday
Well old Diary, I am home now. Got me a job at Tom’s Chili Stand the day after I got home. I sure have had some fun in there kidding people along. Tom let me off for Sunday School this morning. President Grant was there & he sang for us & this is the motto he left:

President Grant’s Motto
That which we persist in doing is easily done.
Not that the nature of the thing is changed,
but our power to do is increased.

Important Instances taken place in Rem. of year 1925.
Well old Diary, one thing is certain, I will never get married in year 1925. I will see if I can say this same thing next year. I hope not. I had a very lovely Xmas. I received several nice gifts including
necklace from Carl
Silk net teddies – Zelda
Bloomers – Florence
Handkerchief – Harry

I got off work at two oclock. Went home & lounged around until about 7 o’clock. Florence, Vesla & I went to show & danced afterwards. Had a very good time. Sat. following was very quiet.

Old Diary it sure don’t pay to notice every little thing that’s said to one you are in Hot W[ater] all the time. I hope I can learn to take life as it comes. I have been considering hard lately & have learned quite a bit. It is nice to have a profession, but it isn’t always the happiest way to end life. This doesn’t mean to stop & try not to make any thing of one’s self. It merely means to make the best of life according to our judgement. If we marry. Do our utmost to make it a success. It is just as necessary to work & scheme[?] to make marriage a success as it is one’s business. Learn to overlook insignificant things in life.

Rules that might help:

1. Overlook small trifles
2. Learn to be a companion
3. To share alike
4. Be a sport with your friends
5. Learn the meaning of thorough sport or friend
6. Do not talk about others. Let someone else do the talking.
7. Keep mind clear from smutty thoughts.
8. Try to fill mind with ideas that are uplifting.
9. Don’t think that life can be complete without religion.
10. Learn to demand people’s respect.

Just a word to the Girls
Girls don’t get the idea that boys are cads. They will treat you with just as much respect as you demand. I will admit that some of them are better than others, but if you learn to choose your company & try to understand fellows, they will treat you square.


Jan 1, 1926
Well here goes for new years resolutions and I am going to keep them all. Ha. Ha. For now I will see how much I have developed in music by the end of next year. Maybe so I will be playing for public. I am going to see how much I can improve this year over last in every way.

New Years eve
Laverne, Florence and I and Emma went to Odean. We sure had one time . We danced the old year out and the new year in. Laverne went home with old school chum. She wouldn’t let us leave her when we got to Itha’s. found corsets sprawled out on a chair. After everything was fixed Laverne brought her boyfriend inside. We got home and found Rulen and co. there with a no account ford. Emma, Florence and I squoze in one bed.
This morning felt like I could sleep a week. Had to go to work at nine. About time fire whistle blew and the fire wagons wouldn’t go finally got one to the fire. Hurrah for Idaho Falls fire engines without steam. I get off work at 2:00 today and invited to Itha’s for dinner. After work tonight went back to Itha’s. Had a confidential talk with Laverne, Bert came. He and I went up to Winter Gardens for a while. I danced three times but I enjoyed while it lasted. Went from there over to Odean. I don’t know yet how I am going to raise the money for my music but I am going to do it someway. Your striving for music. Verna

Wow, this is Monday the 4th , 1926
Got my new pajamas today I hope they fit.

Jan 18
This is a funny world. You never know what is going to happen. John and I had a spat and I quit the King Chili Parlor. John bawled blondy and I out. I sure had lots of fun with him. Blub was his main chew. I was sick when I left the chili parlor no wonder. Second day I got up and went down to the Made Right Bakery at 7:00 a.m.. Did I have a job? I’ll say I did, washing dirty dishes but I decided I could do that at home so I quit that job after telling the bakers what I thought of them. They were pretty good to me though. Well, I am back sliding peas again and it’s not so bad. I got re pick wages all last week and so far this week.

Old diary I sure want to [__] guitar. I hope I can take up that proposition that was offered me. Never you mind I’m going to learn to play it so don’t try to stop me har. My next and only trouble why don’t my pal write to me. Maybe so he don’t love me anymore. I don’t see what his idea is. If I don’t get a letter soon I will have to disown him before he does me. I can’t see what he is pecking at. Will see when he writes and I’ll tell you all about it.

Feb 4th Sunday 1926
Dear diary I went to church three times today. And I certainly have been well paid for it. One good thought I received – try to live the roteene [routine] in life that produces the most happiness.

I haven’t heard from Carl for over a month. I don’t know what is wrong. But I think if I live right and do all I can to prevent any trouble every thing will be all right. I will write later and let you know. Zelda and Harry are going to Rupert in the morning. I am going to send for my guitar tomorrow. I am also going to prove if we want to do a thing bad enough it can be done. I am going to improve my self this year. Hope so.

Feb 14, 1926 Sunday
Date of General Conference [she must mean Stake Conference?]
I attended afternoon and night session of Conference. And it sure was fine. Florence and I sang in the choir. I certainly enjoyed apostle Richard(s) talk on temple marriage. It certainly made mw glad the Lord had given me the strength to hold out against temptation.
Good thought- I remember
1 Always give square measure when working for someone else
2 Always think of the future before you do a thing you might regret.
3 The way to get a testimony of the gospel is search for it.

Wed 15, 1926
My guitar is on its way and I got a very nice letter from the company. I am going to compare this with this time next year and I’ll bet I’ll be some ahead.

Mar 18, 1926
Well old diary I am still living in hope
1 Do I remember how I felt when I didn’t get a letter.
2 The good cry I had out by the coal shed.
3 The good I had up stairs coming from the soon [?]

I am still working at the factory but don’t know how long it will last. I wish I knew what I am going to do this summer.
3 plans-
1 Staying here
2 Going to the park
3 Going to Rupert
4 Going to Salt Lake

I have my guitar. Have learned lessons up to the 7th. I sure like it.
1 Do I remember the time I went to Riverside with Rawl Dot White
2 The time I went to St. Patrick’s dance
I am President of the Senior and have sure enjoyed it. We gave Mrs. Brunt a party. We told fortunes and has a lot of fun.

April 6, 1926
Well, Old Diary I went up to hear the Bare Knee Orchestra from Holewood [probably Hollywood, ID] Do I remember what kind of a time we had I’ll say I do. [short hand]

Do I remember the good time we had a Paridice Gardens. Florence and Earl and Alfred and I. We also went to Taylor(?) players.

Old diary I sure got the blues up here all alone. I know I’ll see my man someday but I wish I could see him tonight. I wish I knew where he is. Let me know as soon as you can. I am working in the LDS hospital (Idaho Falls) and I sure have a good time.

Faith shall not falter I know the Lord’s way is the right way and everything will come out allright.

April 19th
Remember when Alfred and I and Florence and Earl went to Firth and when we went to Ammon. We sure have had a good time with the kids. Earl took us out to Milo. We sang in the cantata out there.

May 11,
Well diary I have just returned from listening to the ward tryouts. They surely were good. If Arveta don’t win they got to go some. Our chorus wasn’t so bad. I sure hope we win but there is good to be gained even though we do not win. Will let you know later how it turns out. I wonder where my boy is tonight. Ha. Ha. If I could only see him now.
Later- Well we lost in the contest but better luck next time.

Monday May 31
Well, here I am about to make a trip to Salt Lake. I am setting in my room wondering where I will be this time next week. I sure hope I won’t have trouble getting work. I am going down with Les in the car. Mother and Devere went to Rupert Sunday. Hope I like my trip and will let you know how everything turns out.

Dear diary
Salt Lake trip 1926. Well diary, this is more of a treat than I expected. I am on my way to Salt Lake to see my man. Ruby and Norton’s girls rode as far as Pocatello with me. I am in Pocatello now. I just got off long enough to get me some Listerine. I hope Les enjoys his fourth without me but I needed to have known my boon wouldn’t fail me. I am sitting watching a girl and boy play tennis. There is a couple of small boys having a duel in front of my window. Everyone else has gone to lunch. A good health thought: 1, for cold put a teaspoon of soda in a glass of lemonade drink.

We just got into Daton. They were so crowded. A girl from there sat with me. I am sitting alone again. But I do not know for how long. We just went through Wheeling and it certainly is a beautiful valley way down below the road.

Friday (6-10)
Got off the train and had to wait about 15 min for Carl.

Well, how nice two fellows just gave me a box of cherries. I guess I looked hungry. The cherries were from Brigham [City]. Friday night arrived safe in Salt Lake. Carl met me. We went from there to his folks home in a taxi. Went car riding with art and Edna Friday night.

My birthday June 29 [Tuesday, 1926]
Well old diary this has been quite an eventful day. I am working now at the Salt Lake paper company running a stay [____ ?] I remember how tickled I was when they told me I could have a machine. I have found the people here very nice. I am twenty years old today. I can hardly realize it. I just read a wonderful letter from mother. I think I have the most wonderful mother. I would be a narrow minded person if I could go wrong after reading a letter like that . I cut Naoma’s hair just now and I shall never forget it. I thought she was going into hysterics (histarics). She sure had a feeling she wanted it cut on my birthday. I struck us funny. I met Gus. I wish I could see Carl on the 4th but I will meet him someday and everything is going to be allright.

Saturday 4th
Went up the canyon with Carl. I went up on the dam with him for a little while and then I went walking up the canyon. Came back and slept in the truck until Carl came up to get me to go down to dinner down at the bunk house. There was only two women besides myself but there was plenty of men.
In the afternoon I went up on the dam with Carl .

Sunday July 5
Carl went to work and Lucille and I went for a walk after it quite raining. We put red hollyhocks in our slippers and strutted all over town that way. When Carl came home we went out to Liberty Park and had a boat ride. I learned to row a little bit. We sure had lots of fun. Then we went on the m[erry] go round. Pretty silly. We spent the rest of the evening setting on the grass talking and necking.

Monday July 6th
Carl didn’t have to work so we took his dad up the canyon. Came back and took his mother to the market to get some fruit. Then we started for Bear Lake but the truck went punk so we came back home and fooled around until his mother came home. Surely enjoyed my company with Carl. He has treated me splendid. We are talking of getting married in September. We sure have had some nice talks and lots of sport together. I like him with all my heart.

Wednesday 8th
Went and stayed with Edna all day. Made a cake and put worm medicine in the icing. Mart and I had a water fight. Carl came out about 6:00 We stayed out there until about 7:00. Came home. I was determined to go to bed so I climbed in with my dress on. Carl was sore he didn’t even kiss me goodnight. But he came in this morning and asked me if I felt better and kissed me good bye. And then he went to work.

Thursday 9th
Went out to Enise’s about 10:00. Went over and saw Enise’s neighbors baby. About three oclock I heard this girls husband call the baby a little bugger. His voice sounded so familiar. I went to the door. After he had driven off I found that the English girl’s husband was Spencer Olsen. I met Harvey and he took me back to town. Thursday night we went out to Aunt Margaret Anns. Found Don at his sisters. We went in and played the peano and while I was playing Aunt Margaret and Lavoye came in. Lavoye called me a fluzie. They call Don’s Janes fluzies because he picks most of them off the street. We sang and played and had a big time until we left.

Friday 10th
Spent the day with Aunt Margaret. Ironed most of the day. Had dinner with Don, met his sister. Aunt Margaret sure was interesting. She showed me pictures and told me about lots of things. I met Aunt Jenny and Don’s father. I had supper with Aunt Margaret and Levoye. Carl and Edna came after me in the coup. We took Art and Edna home then Carl and I had a car ride. We went up to the Capitol and looked down State Street. It sure was pretty. We sat and talked a little while and then went to bed.

Helped Lucille in the morning. And went up town. We went up to the overall factory. Then to the palace and had ice cream and cakes. Saturday night Carl and I went to Lagoon. We had the time of our lives. Next time I ride the dipper I’m going to get my life insured. We got a kick out of it anyway. We danced. I think Carl will wear his coat next time. Coming back it sure was crowded. We almost missed our car.

Left for Ogden about ten went out and saw Mrs. Pratt. Carl left me at Ogden I sure would have liked him to come back with me. He has his faults but he sure is a good scout in some ways. He showed me a real time. Nothing unusual happened on the train only I fell asleep and the conductor had to come along and wake me up. Ha ha. Arrived home at 9:30. Delta and Florence met me. Stayed home all night.

Well old diary I am back to work again but if everything goes alright it won’t last long. I have all my work done for a while. I sure think I was a lucky girl to take that trip and have such a wonderful time. I have almost decided to postpone my wedding date until Nov. 6 to please mother. Dad and her were married on that date. I will see what Carl says. Weeks after found I can’t be married on Friday Nov. 6 changed to Nov. 4th.

July 13
Well old diary I found myself on Spring lake. Maybe you think I didn’t feel a little shaky going to see my man when I hadn’t seen for a year. But after wark (work) —nearly to Spring Lake I found him. Oh I love him(crossed out). We sure had a good time Saturday night and part of Sunday. Came home Sunday the 12th.

July 15
I can hardly wait to see him again. But I certainly enjoyed my visit. ( I never got to see him again Jan 25)

Mon July 18
I certainly was disappointed Sunday I expected a friend and he didn’t come. So I met Naomi. We spent quite a dreary Sunday. Some fellar called up with I was gone to Sunday School. Work went fine today. I sent Devere his Birthday present. Hope he likes it.

August 22, Sunday [1926]
A good thought – No wild bird escapes from a room by impatiently beating its wings against deceptive glass then giving up in despair. It has to search for the opening and although searching may not prove successful he will have at least strengthened his constitution.

Met Carl’s mother after work yesterday and had a talk with her. Do I remember how I felt when I found Carl had gone to California? His mother took my address. I don’t know how it is going to turn out sometimes I feel like giving up but I will win yet. You just wait. We never gain anything without striving for it. Naomi and I went to Blue Bwird last night had a real good time for starters. Danced with a fellow from Skaggs got bawled out for holding me too close around the waist. Ha. Ha. Danced with missionery

Nov 16(Oct?)
Well old diary got paid today and I have to hand it to me for making piece work. I am sending mother $10. I am so glad I can help them. Went for a motorcycle ride with Kelly and gang we certainly had a good time. Went to the west garden, then to the Inn and home. Bill promised to come up and take me again. Mrs. Bridges has gone to California. We are now living with Mrs. Lange. I’m going to like it fine. Have heard from Carl three times. Have got to answer his letter. I have had one good time this last two months. Do I remember the dinner and show out at Bellis. The last letter I got from C.B.(Carl Bridges?) out to municipal the weenie wrose(roast) we had the motor cicle(cycle) ride. The car ride with Eva and her gang. The time we had at the Blue bird. The trip to Union to the dance. Jack and all the rest.

Oct 27
Received telegram last night daddy was worse. To come home. Am leaving this morning. Oh how I hope he is allright.

Oct 29
Well here I am in Idaho dear diary and found everything okay. Daddy is better. I worked at the fruit stand yesterday. Am working at Will Wards today don’t know when I will go back to Salt Lake. Hope I get work from Carl.

Do I remember the incident of this note. Do I ? I’ll say I do. I have built my castles high but not as high as dukes. I have been to one show since I have been here. Have had several chances to go but haven’t accepted any of them. I slipped out on the railroader last night ha ha.

Nov. 1
Charlie Marie and I went to church. Went down in cafe and had dinner. Had fesent [pheasant?] dinner at night. Went to the show with Woody.

Nov. 2
Well old diary I thought I would be getting ready to be married now but things certainly have changed. Got a letter from Carl. [ ] I sure feel blue. I love him and don’t know what I said to make him write like that. I don’t know what I would do if we parted. Now I will let you know how it all turns out.
Everything is alright with Carl and I again. I owe it partly to Marie.

Nov. 3
Received letter from Carl and from all I know now it may be the last. Old diary this sure is a funny world. Things I am afraid have come to the end for me as far as he is concerned.

Oct 4 [Nov 4]
Went riding with Donald. Had a nice ride. Have a date with him tonight. Wanted me to go to Lava but daddy is sick so don’t think I will go.

Nov. 12
Attended Conference yesterday morning. Enjoyed the talks very much. I have made up my mind not to answer Carl’s letter. I hope he will do better someday and come back. Went to Wandermere W.F.S with Don sure had a good time. Went to Carly last night.

Nov. 26
It is now Thanksgiving. I sure wish I could be home with the folks today. I wonder what they are all doing. Oliver is taking us to a show “three nights hand running” and I sure am tired.

Dec 10
Worked pretty hard today.I walked home in the snow tonight all by myself. First snow of the season. Don and I decided to quit for a while. I certainly had some good times out at Wandemere since I came home. Do I remember John the Potato man and the rases(races) men. Some men.

Wed. 22
Sent a letter to Carl today. I hope everthing will come out allright again. I’ll let you know later. Sent some cards and Naomi slippers. Christ wants me to buy clothes for [___] baby. Some job I hope this time next year things will have changed for the better. [Crossed out and said the letter came back]

Dec 26 xmas
Well I am working at the fruit stand today. While Gus went out to dinner. I have had a pretty decent Christmas not so bad. Naomi sent me slippers. Chris gave me $5. Gus gave me a cedar chest. I got lots of cards from the kids in Salt Lake. Florence and I went to the dance Christmas night. Zelda and Harry came up we had a good time all around. Hope I hear from C.A.B.(Carl).


Jan 1 New years Day 1927
Well here is the starting of another year and I hope it ends better than it has started. Daddy is very sick and I certainly hope he will still be with us this time next year. I hope he gets better. Uncle Tom, George, and Aunt Rebecca are here. I worked down to the king chilies this morning and have been working at Gus’s. Went to the show with Don last night. He and Florence and I went. I guess I will work late tonight. I haven’t done as good as I would like this year but I am going to improve. I play the guitar but I want to be able to play better by this time next year.

Jan 2 Sunday 1927
Daddy died this day at 12:00. [Henry Hunter Cook]
I guess it was the Lord’s will that he go. And oh how I want to live to meet him again. Held his funeral Wed 5th. He had just lots of beautiful flowers. I hope I can make mother’s life just as cheerful as possible. I sent Carl a letter yesterday. I hope I can hear from him.

Jan 17
Was laid off work yesterday. Mother got insurance money today. It sure seems good to be home one day and not have to worry about work. I am invited to peral’s [pearl?] party tonight but don’t think I’ll go. Don wanted me to go to a wedding dance but don’t think I will go there either. Old diary this seems a hard world now but if we live right I think things will take a change.

Jan 25 1927
Well old diary I am still home doing nothing. The letters I wrote Christmas to C.B. came back. Old diary I wonder if I will ever see him again and I wish I knew. I wonder if I will ever feel different than I do now. I went to the show with Jack Holt today in Man of the Forest. Sure was good. Everything sure looks black but I think things will take a turn.
Hope so.
Note: I am afraid I feel different about Carl since I met Lloyd. He seems to understand so many things.

Jan. 28
Well old diary we had some time on our sleigh ride last night. There were three sleigh loads of us. We sang and did all kinds of crazy things. Went to Bishops place and plaid (played) hearts. Ha. Ha. Had chili and everything. Mother and I are going to Taylar players tonight.

Feb., Friday 18
Well old diary I sure had some trip out home. Started about 10:30 with O.W. in his new coach an Essix. I sure was warm and classy. We went to Ucon and dance. WE got me gum and babyruth. I arrived at Storers O.K. Went to dance at night had a real good time with all the old kids I used to know. Bess and I had a real confidential talk. She and Everet are figuring on getting married right away and hope everything comes out allright for them better than it did for me. It gives me the flies but I a m still in hopes that things will change for the better. I just feel blue today. I enjoyed my stay with all the other folks out there. All must come home with Mr. Monson but decided to wait and come home with Don. I sure enjoyed my ride home with him last night He is a pretty decent kid. That’s that.

Washington’s birthday Feb. 22
Big dog Derby today. I started taking piano lessons. I hope I am quite a bit improved on playing the piano this time next year. Went to a children’s dance with Marvin( he said I sat there and not a girl asked me to dance.) and talk about getting stepped on that was the worst

Monday 28, 1927
Zelda’s birthday. Mother is going to get her some knives and forks. I am making her a set of pillowcases. I went up and saw Mrs. Ramsing the day she was operated on for her (guarter)goiter. Gee old diary we sure had a good time to Harvey’s farewell. Had a program first and dance and then lunch. I sure met some keen kids. Jack was out there and introduced me to his friend then several butted in. I danced the home sweet home and another dance with Walspun. I sure feel for him. I had a good time Friday night also. We went to the auditorium. First danced several times. Then Don, Florence, Perial, and the Mouth organ player went out to Taylor. We never missed a dance. Met several new kids. Florence came home with Olsen. I am taking another lesson on piano tomorrow. Hope this time next year I will be playing pretty well.

March 3
Florence went to Rexburg. Mother and I went down and chose Zelda a tray of silver. It sure was nice. I made her some pillowcases. I hope she likes them. Mother and I are having quite a time with our charge Donald Kettenring(cousin). I went to the Meppen boys wedding dance I had a real good time. Arvela and Edna cooked their goose with Don. Ha. Ha. From the way I feel now I don’t think I will go with Don much more. I put the lenolium down today. Tired I’ll say.

March 14
Marvin’s birthday. I made him some cake and candy and we sat down to the first birthday since daddy has left us. Last night Don and Frank and I went out after Marie got stuck. Didn’t get to go the show. Don and I had steak after we left the kids . We sure got covered with mud. I am going to start working tomorrow. Hope it is steady.

March 25
Went to Shelly’s Junior Prom last night . Sure had a good time. Went with Don. Met my chick from taylor Mr. Watson almost made a date to go fishing with him. Ha. Ha. I took my lesson today and I was so smart I didn’t have to play them over at all. Ha. Ha. Mrs. Apulie sure is one good sport.

March 30
Well mother picked up and went to Rupert all in a rush to take care of Marie and her new arrival. We are just learning to manage things by ourselves. I guess the chickens will come tomorrow. Sunday night, Florence and I and a bunch of other kids went car riding. I was with Mr. Young and for some reason or other he sort of impressed me. Somehow I feel as if my course in life might not be what I thought it was. I hope I see Carl again but I don’t feel like it will be very soon. I have a date Sunday with Mr. Young. I think I am going to like him. Will let you know later.

April 12, 1927
Mother, Zelda, and Harry came home from Rupert Saturday night. Lost most of the chickens. Emma came and stayed two or three days while mother was gone. We had quite a time. Went car riding three weeks ago Sunday. Helen, Olsen, Florence, Preston, Lloyd Young, Margrat we sure had one time. Had a date with him for Sunday night. Got sluffed because his car broke down. He showed up the next Saturday. We went to a show. I sure like him. He is a pretty good sport. I have a date for Saturday to go to the Wandemere. Do I remember how I felt when he came in last Saturday night. Florence was there. I’ll say I do. Old diary I wonder if Carl and I will ever see each other again.
I can’t think we care so much or we wouldn’t have done like we have. Tell you about the dance next time I write.

Saturday April 17 Easter Sunday
Went to the dance Saturday night Florence went with us. I sure had a good time. Dance with I.F. Miller and friend. Lloyd is sure a good sport. Easter I worked down to the stand all day. Bill with the black eye was in there most of the day. Thursday Ardella and I went roller skating. We certainly had lots of fun. Went in the Falls afterward and had a drink.

April Thursday
Lloyd called up and made a date for Saturday night.

April 26, 1927
Do I remember the fun Pearl, Ardella, and I had to Rigby with Bony(Bonnie) and Do Finny. We have had some time.

May 1, 1927
May day. Well old diary I can say I am happy today for the first time for a long while. I spent the day with Lloyd and I sure had a good time. We went out to the dam , then to his home, then to church. I shall never forget that day or night. This is a funny old world. But I am beginning to think we get back just what we put into it. Give to the world the best we have and the best will come back to you. If we do the right thing and trust in the Lord He will do the right thing by us. Daddy I am glad I have lived to say I am glad to follow your advice. Lots of love to daddy. Verna.

From May 1- Sept 5
Diary I sure have neglected you since I got my new cedar chest I just shove you in and there you stay how do you like it anyway? Lloyd and I are still going together. He is a pretty good guy. I didn’t think this time last year I would be ready to marry someone else. I am not sure of the date but as far as I know now it won’t be long. I have been working at the Elite Confectionary with Lee and Hazel. Liked it pretty good but I like my work at the hotel (Bonneville, Idaho falls) better. Crew: Reba, Andy, Les, Harry, Ralph, Ted, Roy, and Jane.
Do you remember
1 The night Andy tried to make a date a week ahead and how sore we got at each other.
2 The real good talk I had with Lloyd the night we got lost.
3 The ride I had with my boy friend from Texas. Odell tried to play freeze out with me. And Jane taking Andru’s toast.

Sep 6, 1927
We named the twins Sunday. They sure are sweet little things. I could love them to death. Collene and Carol are their names.

Sept. 17, 1927
Things certainly came around fast Saturday night (17). Lloyd gave me my ring. It sure is pretty. Old diary I am awfully happy. Because I know things stand better than if I had gone ahead and married Carl. I owe daddy a lot. Sunday Lloyd, Florence, Bessie, Everet, and I went out to see daddy’s stone.

Nov. 8
Well here we are on our way to Logan. Mother, Mrs. Young, Lloyd and I had an accident. Almost bunted into a freight train. But Lloyd used his head pretty well so we didn’t get hurt. Met Emma in Logan stayed with her all night.

Nov.9, 1927
Married Lloyd W. Young in the LDS Temple at Logan by President Sheppard. Had a wonderful trip all the way and I enjoyed the temple session very much. Had a lovely talk with Lloyd the night we were married. Have been married three weeks and am still happy. We are staying with Noel and Jappl. Like it here fine.
Do I remember what happened on Sunday the 20th of November. Hope everything comes out in the wash.

Nov 23
Thankgiving tomorrow. I gave mother $5. I hope I don’t get the flies tomorrow.
The first xmas I was married . Xmas Eve Dec. 25, 1927
Mary and her husband, Lloyd and I went to Wanemere. Met Ralph and wife. Everything went fine until Les came along and tried to show off. He sure was stewed. I shall never forget the way Lloyd grabbed him. We stayed all night with mother and kids. Had a good time Sunday and Monday. I gave Lloyd his ring. He gave me my old rose comona. I sure was pleased with it. We got lots of other things too. Monday night we went down to Shelley and stayed until Thursday night. Sure had a good time. Thursday night the car stopped on us two miles from town. We had to drag it in. So I suppose we won’t use the car for a while. I sure have been taking it easy since I got laid off at the hotel.

March 22, 1928
Important notes. Last night Lloyd got word that we can go out and run Mr. Esplin’s farm this summer. We sure were glad. I am about 3 months along with [shorthand character inserted here – probably for P or pregnancy] started
Sun. Jan 8, 1928. Last date of menstration. Dec. 12 about Oct 8 be sick(due date).

Oct 9, 1928
Diary it is a long time since I have written. I am setting here listening to Shirley Marie use her lungs. She was born September 12 and we certainly had a real ride the night of the 11. We left Mr. Esplin’s ranch at 2:00 at night. Got to the Falls about 3:00 That was some night. Do I remember the Sunday before that and the crazy things I did. I picked apples and everything. Went to mutual and spent the evening with Guila and Grover the night before she was born. At the hospital I was in with Mrs. Guderjohn and we sure had lots of fun. Arvela bathed us most of the time and we certainly never lacked for amusement.

The Baby was born Sep. 12, Wednesday. She has fuzzy hair. I think it will be curly. She may be light complectioned. She has my nose and eyes, and Lloyd’s head & feet & hands. So it’s hard to tell what she will look like. She smiled on the ninth day for mother. She certainly has been good so far. Howls a little at night, but we will get used to that. Lloyd and I had our first spat over her tonight because I would not take her to church. He was going to stay too, but I finally got him to go.

People that game me things for the baby:
Mother – big white shawl
Mrs. Young – sweater and cap bootie
Zelda – blue blanket
Guila ‘ 2 little dresses and skirt
Maud – little quilt and pillow
Emma – Buggy pillow
Bessie – Rubber sheet
Mary Gezar – powder puff
Aunt Mary – diaper holder
Alta – little jacket
Opal – silk stockings
Dee Nell – little shoes
Marvin – Comona [kimono?] and booties
Aunt Violet – dress with skirt
Grace – garters
Mrs. Davis – a dress

Friday Nov. 9, 1928 – Our w Anniversary
Stayed home and worked all day. Had planned to go to Idaho Falls, but got it knocked in the head. Postponed it for a week. Well this old diary, this time last year we didn’t have Shirley Marie, so I guess have improved some. We sure have spent a pleasant summer here on Esplin’s ranch this year. Had a real good garden and lots of fruit and a good time. When I got lonesome I would go up in the field to Lloyd. We certainly had a good time together.

Sunday Nov. 11, 1928
– [“Richard’s Birthday” was inserted later in blue ink]
Well Old Diary, I sure had one time trying to get my baby named. Mother dame down on the bus and we got all ready to go and the car would not start. And we found our battery was dead. So Lloyd called Ferry [?] and he and his friends came down and got us. We had to go about 3 o’clock, but we had her named all the same. He Grandpa named her.

Dec. 2, 1932 Friday
Had Lloyds folks for dinner. Fruit cocktail, roast duck, baked beans, duck gravy, and mashed potatoes. Creamed peas, apple butter, pickles, salad, cabbage cass [?], pumpkin pie, whipped cream, rolls.

April 1, 1932
[nothing else on the page, and the rest of the pages are blank]